Then I heard about this platform they're opening this summer and I thought yeah that sounds cool, it's pricey but cool. It was initially described like this.
Crazy edge dangling: check. But then I saw this. What that hell is this?
No crazy edge dangling? Meh. Not sure if want. Yo CN Tower, you wanna make money with less safety equipment? Hack your LED's into a pressure plate and rent out a gravity hammer! Worlds biggest high striker? Um, yes!
(actual amount of awesome)
That edge dangling seems less hardcore with the big black wall of safety in the way.
Right? It looks like one of those things they put on dogs so they don't chew their stitches. Lame.
Part of what I liked about the idea of going outside it is the view of the city below... Not just being high up.
At first when I read your post title, I thought of how these days you can't actually see the tower. I remember as a kid, driving into Toronto and always having the iconic view of the tower great me... Not sky scrapers dotting the horizon.
"It looks like one of those things they put on dogs so they don't chew their stitches. Lame."......You mean a cone?
Yeah like a cone but with a dog in it. Like a double scoop doggy road cookie dough with sprinkles. Without the sprinkles. Or uh ... or the dough.
@Dave, true but the skyline itself is pretty iconic.
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