A coworker of mine describes the urge to spend money on geeky things as "The Nurge". That nerdy urge to buy a second or third LCD display to add to your master command center simply for the increase in badassery. That longing for small shiny battery (or better yet, fuel cell, or solar, or SELF!) powered things with blinky lights, 802.11 (eh, bee, gee, enn, etc), blue teeth, orange buttons, yellow stars, and red balloons has struck most geeks at one point or another and I am no different. The nurge has struck me, and the object of my desires ist Das Keyboard.

However like any good nurge, this one comes with a decent sized price tag. The only Canadian retailer noted on the manufacturers site lists Das Keyboard at CDN $170. That being no small amount to drop on a keyboard (not as much as US $1700, but I digest) I would like to actually put my hands on one and bang a few keys before I part with my hard earned skrilla.
So I put the question to you; do you know a retail store where I can lay my digits on one of these bad mamma jammas and take her fer a spin? Do you own one and live in the GTA? If you can set me up please drop a comment and I'd be happy to repay the kindness with cold beverages of your choice at your favorite watering hole.
And while we're on the topic, what's your latest nurge?
I can give you an IBM Model M and a can of black vinyl dye :)
I've been lusting over one of those since the first revision, though.
I've been working in a test lab here at ze office this week which uses oldschool IBM 3472 dumb terminals to interface with a minicomputer and they all sport the mighty Model M keyboards. Makes me kinda want to recreate the keyboad-vs-face scene from Wanted with one of these beasts :)
i was going to suggest some nail polish remover. you can get some at the $ store.
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