I really like digg. I read it a lot, I like diggnation, etc etc. I was checking out the winning entries of the recent
API contest, and spotted a runner up called
WordWeb. It visualizes the links between "commonly occurring keywords" in digg stories. The default setting uses only words grabbed from front page stories which at that moment had a lot to do with Cheney. Here's what I saw when I viewed keywords from all stories ...

That sucks.
Ooh... that is depressing. I can relate - they don't call me J-Broke for nothing! Actually, noone calls me that, but I hope if I use it enough it'll stick. There might be some sort of rule against deciding your own nickname, but fuck that noise.
Anyway, I tried the program too and uploaded the screen cap to the flickr account I maintain exclusively for message boards.
I'm an idiot. This link should work better. I've also realized I don't know a lick of HTML anymore... clearly Web 2.0 has made me lazy.
Hahah, those damned gay democrats are always ruining my fun!
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